14. ročník asijského veletrhu Guangzhou Electrical Building Technology 2017
Přední asijský veletrh elektrotechniky, inteligentních budov a domácností, který se bude konat od 9. do 12. června 2017, již teď zaznamenal výrazný zájem ze stran významných společností oboru.
14. ročník asijského veletrhu Guangzhou Electrical Building Technology se bude konat od 9. do 12. června 2017
Booming market of energy-efficient buildings and development of smart cities driven by information technology
Followed by the release of the 13th Five-Year Plan, innovative technologies including IoT, cloud computing and big data are penetrating into the traditional building construction, which contributes to the transformation of the building industry. To accommodate the latest market trend, the Guangzhou Electrical Building Technology (GEBT) exhibition will return to the China Import and Export Fair Complex Guangzhou on 9 – 12 June 2017. This year, GEBT will focus on three core themes, including electrical engineering, intelligent building and smart home markets. The fair gathers renowned institutions and notable brands to offer an array of cutting-edge technologies and solutions to visitors.
Commenting on the industry’s positive feedback, Ms Lucia Wong, Deputy General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co Ltd, said: “We have been striving to stay at the forefront of the industry development and market demand to provide a professional platform for presenting the latest building technologies and offering insights into the latest market information in Asia. Backed by steadfast support from industry associations and leading enterprises, GEBT grows progressively and in sync with the industry to achieve tremendous results. As a result of the reform and transformation of the building industry driven by the Chinese government, the 2017 fair will gather industry experts in one location to exchange market intelligence. Together, we are making a concerted effort to generate new ideas and facilitate industry development. We look forward to GEBT this year”.
To date, international and domestic associations and brands have shown strong support to the show. Over 100 exhibitors have confirmed to participate in the fair, including Auguan, Bittel, Canall, CATO, CITYGROW, Crodigy, Eastsoft, EnOcean, FU YOU SIN, Gamder, HDL HOME WORLD, Hope More, Keze, KNX, Lammin, Lechao, Longsheng, LONGYANG, Ltech, LUMI, Nedfon, ONLYTECH, ORVIBO, OUCHUANGYUAN, Panasonic, Povos, Rishun, S&B, Seyoung, Szsaw, T- Touching, Tender, Vanhi IoT, Wintom, WISE, Xiaowei, ZigBee and more. Exhibitors from diverse fields will showcase their latest technologies and products.For more information see attached file.