GEA představuje rozsáhlé portfolio produktů na veletrhu v Číně
11. -13. 4. 2012 se koná veleltrh Čína 2012 v International Exhibition Center (CIEC) v Pekingu. GEA představí své rozsáhlé portfolio HVAC a komponenty a řešení chlazení, a to nejen pro Čínu.
GEA will exhibit the following systems: Geneglace ice generators for the production of flake ice, piston compressors from the Grasso V range for industrial refrigeration, screw compressor packages from the Grasso Smart ScrewPack, as well as spiral freezers from GEA Refrigeration Technologies for strict hygienic requirements in food processing.
In China, GEA will also present energy-efficient solutions for the natural refrigerant CO2, in addition to Bock compressors for mobile and stationary applications.
In addition, the segment GEA Heat Exchangers will show products from the area of commercial and large-scale commercial refrigeration units: for example, GEA standard air coolers and GEA condensers.
These standard air coolers and condensers have been developed and manufactured for the condensation of refrigeration in commercial and industrial applications, including uses in HVAC. The Business Unit GEA PHE Systems will present its brazed plate heat exchangers. The elimination of sealing elements, as well as the hermetically sealed design, satisfy all demanding expectations. These plate heat exchangers can be installed on a small footprint. They are highly versatile in their applications, and are especially service-friendly.
GEA Refrigeration Technologies and GEA Heat Exchangers
will have a common stand
in the German Pavilion in Hall E1, Stand D63.