
Dřevěný pavilon na festivalu Madrid Design

Uhlíkově neutrální dřevěný pavilon se otevírá veřejnosti v Madridu Rio při vstupu do Casa de Campo v rámci festivalu Madrid Design 1.2.2020 a zůstane otevřený 2 týdny.


The 32 m3 of tulipwood used for MultiPly stores the equivalent of 22 tonnes of carbon dioxide and is naturally replaced with new growth in the U.S. forests in less than two minutes. The installation is a collaboration between Waugh Thistleton Architects, the American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) and ARUP, and responds to two of the greatest challenges of our time: the growing need for housing and the urgency to fight climate change, presenting as a solution the combination of modular systems and sustainable building materials.

MultiPly is comprised of a maze-like series of interconnected spaces that overlap and intertwine. It has been conceived and constructed to encourage visitors to re-think the way we design and build our homes and cities. The three-dimensional structure is constructed from a flexible system of 12 CLT modules of American tulipwood with digitally manufactured joints, as if it were a piece of furniture ready to assemble.

MultiPly - Madrid Design Festival 2020
MultiPly first debuted at London Design Festival 2018 and has since been recognised for its use of sustainable materials and representation of modular housing, winning recently in the Small Project of the Year category at the Wood Awards 2019.

