Více střídavého proudu z domácí fotovoltaiky
Zeversolar rozšiřuje svou řadu stringových měničů Zeverlution.
Čínský výrobce měničů pro fotovoltaické elektrárny Zeversolar uvádí na trh o tři nové výrobky se jmenovitým výkonem 3,68 kW, 4kW a 5 kW. Měniče Zeverlution využívají patentované technologie, díky níž potřebují méně elektronických součástek. Tím se zvyšuje jejich spolehlivost a snižuje hmotnost, účinnost přitom dosahuje slušných 97,2 %. Prozatím jsou dostupné ve Velké Británii, v Thajsku, na Taiwanu a v Číně. Distribuce do dalších zemí bude v budoucnu pokračovat.
Zeversolar extends its Zeverlution string inverter series
The Chinese PV inverter manufacturer Zeversolar has extended its Zeverlution string inverter series with three new products. With nominal powers of 3.68, 4 and 5 kilowatts, the inverters are the perfect choice for residential installations. They will be available in the UK, Thailand, Taiwan and China in January 2016. Further countries of distribution will follow in future.
With the inverters Zeverlution 3680, 4000 and 5000 Zeversolar broadens its portfolio with more powerful inverters for bigger residential installations. For more flexibility, the three new products have two MPP trackers instead of one. In addition, they work in a much wider MPP range than the other products of the series of 100 up to 520 volts. Together with efficiencies of up to 97.2 percent, high outputs are guaranteed.
As with the other models of the series, Zeversolar has used a patented inverter topology for the new products that needs around 40 percent less power electronic components. Thus the inverters are very reliable and much lighter which facilitates installation and transport.
No derating at high altitudes
All Zeverlution string inverters have a compact design with IP65 casing for outdoor use, Sunclix connectors for toolless DC wiring as well as retrofitable integrated Ethernet and Wi-Fi communication. With noise emissions of less than 25 decibels, they are completely silent. In addition, they are suitable for high altitudes: Even at 3,000 meters they work without derating.
About Zeversolar
Founded in 2007, Zeversolar is a leading Chinese manufacturer of reliable, affordable and simple photovoltaic inverters. The company became part of SMA group in 2013. With headquarters in Suzhou (China), branch offices in Germany and Australia and more than 450 employees, Zeversolar produces string inverters for residential and commercial applications as well as central inverters for industrial usage. Software and monitoring tools round off the portfolio. Zeversolar combines the best of both worlds: Chinese flexibility and German reliability.
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