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Veletrh ISH Frankfurt 2019 nově od pondělí do pátku

Na přání vystavovatelů se bude mezinárodní veletrh ISH nově konat od pondělí 11. do pátku 15. 3. 2019. Stejně jako v minulosti bude veletrh pro soukromé návštěvníky otevřen poslední den.


In line with the recommendation of the ISH Advisory Council and the exhibitors, the change in the sequence of days was agreed by a majority of the ISH patrons – the Federation of the German Heating Industry (BDH), Association of Air Conditioning and Ventilation in Buildings (FGK), Association of the German Sanitation Industry (VDS), German Association for Energy Efficiency in Building Services (VdZ) and The German Sanitation, Heating and Air Conditioning Association (ZVSHK) – following the last edition of the fair.

The next ISH will be held from 11 to 15 March 2019 (Monday to Friday). As in the past, the fair will be open to private visitors on the last day.



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