
ISH China & CIHE 2015 s rekordní účastí vystavovatelů

V novém čínském veletržním centru v Pekingu se od 13. do 15. května 2015 koná největší asijský veletrh Vytápění, větrání, klimatizace, instalací a sanitární techniky. Najdete zde německé, italské nebo turecké pavilóny, součástí veletrhu je více než 50 doprovodných akcí.


ISH China & CIHE
China International Trade Fair for Sanitation, Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning
New China International Exhibition Center
Beijing, China, 13–15 May 2015

  • ISH China & CIHE 2015 reaches new heights with record-breaking exhibitor participation
  • German, Italian and Turkish Pavilions reaffirms the Beijing show as a gateway for tapping China’s HVAC market
  • Over 50 insightful concurrent events scheduled

ISH China & CIHE – China’s International Trade Fair for Sanitation, Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning, hailed as Asia’s largest HVAC and plumbing exhibition, is scheduled to be held from 13–15 May 2015. Organised by Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co Ltd and Beijing B&D Tiger Exhibition Co Ltd, the show will take place in Beijing at the New China International Exhibition Center. This year, 2015, marks the fair’s best year to date. The three-day event expects to welcome over 1,100 exhibitors, covering more than 90,000 sqm across seven halls. With more exhibitors compared to the previous edition, the fair anticipates over 45,000 professional visitors from around the world.

The fair features a comprehensive collection of products including boilers, wall-hung boilers, radiators & fittings, heat exchangers, solar powered heat pumps, intelligent home automation technologies, district energy solutions, floor-heating, pipes & fittings, valves & pumps, rainwater harvesting & drainage technology, heat meters, energy efficient HVAC products and more. To accommodate market needs, the newly added hall E4 will focus on ventilation, water purification and smart home technologies.

Returning exhibitors from within and outside of China have already confirmed their place to display their state-of-the-art products. Prominent brands include AO Smith (USA), Ariston (Italy), Baxi (Italy), Danfoss (Denmark), Devotion (China), Ferroli (Italy), Giacomini (Italy), Hailin (China), Immergas (Italy), Jaga (Belgium), Menred (China) , Nather (Germany), QD Navien (Korea), Rehau (Germany), Rettig (Finland), Rotex (Germany), Vanward (China), Watts (USA), Zehnder (Germany) and others. The number of exhibitors in 2015 is reaching new heights.

Immergas is a leading Italian HVAC brand that specialises in manufacturing domestic boilers. Mr Weng Yan, General Manager of the firm in China expressed: “Over the years, the ISH China & CIHE has made a name for itself for being the largest and most reputable HVAC and plumbing exhibition in the region. Attending the fair has turned into an annual activity for our firm. Through this well-established trading platform, we hope to promote our company and brand image to discover even more business opportunities in China’s booming HVAC market.”

German, Italian and Turkish Pavilions reaffirms the Beijing show as a gateway for tapping China’s HVAC market

Supported by their respective governmental authorities and industry associations, the German, Italian and Turkish Pavilions composed of many prominent industry brands are one of the biggest highlights for the 2015 edition. The return of the up-scaled pavilions reaffirms ISH China & CIHE’s status as the first choice for overseas brands to enter China’s lucrative market.

The increasing popularity of ISH China & CIHE has led the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology of Germany to encourage local enterprises to take part in the 2015 show to display the country’s advancements in HVAC technology to the Chinese market. This year, the German Pavilion will be formed by more than 10 reputable companies, including Aquatherm, Brötje, H.M., IVT, Jürgen, Schlösser, SIEGENIA, Wefatherm and others who are ready to showcase some of their most innovative products.

German Pavilion
German Pavilion

Furthermore, Italian firms are making great efforts to expand their business into demanding markets for individual heating technology such as China. Supported by the Italian Trade Commission (ICE), the scale of the Italian Pavilion has also increased. Over 10 prominent brands have already confirmed their participation at the fair, including Aquatechnik, Bugatti, Fondital, General Fittings, ITAP and others.

In conjunction with a confirmed mix of exhibitors from around the world, the Turkish Pavilion will make their first appearance at the 2015 show. Supported by the Central Anatolian Exporters Union (OAiB) and the Turkish HVAC-R Industry Exporters Union (iSiB), leading exhibitors to take part in the Turkish Pavilion include Sanica, Caldera, Chorka, Dizayn, E.C.A and others.

Over 50 insightful concurrent events scheduled

Fringe events have played a significant role in ISH China & CIHE. For 2015, the show will feature over 50 fringe events, including congresses, technology display zones and a cocktail reception. The reputable Sino-European HVAC Congress has officially been renamed to “China International HVAC Congress”. Covering some of the industry’s heated topics, the conference will provide an unparalleled platform for local and international industry experts to exchange the latest technologies on renewable energies, intelligent HVAC, ventilation and heat pumps.

The organisers have partnered with the Architectural Society of China Water Supply and Wastewater Association to host the second China International Building Water Supply and Drainage Forum. Rainwater Drainage & Harvesting Technologies and Grease Separation Technologies will serve as the two main themes of the forum. It will also touch on the development and market trends of the building plumbing industry in China, as well as showcasing international cutting-edge plumbing technologies and products.

Additionally, the organisers have joined hands with the Federation of German Heating Industry (BDH) as well as the Association of Air Conditioning and Ventilation in Buildings (FGK). Together, these business associations will set up display zones that will showcase Europe’s latest HVAC and ventilation technologies.

ISH China & CIHE 2015 key fringe events will include:

  • China International HVAC Congress
    • Renewable Energies & Heating Technologies
    • Ventilation & IAQ Technologies
    • Intelligent HVAC Technologies
    • Heat Pump Technologies
  • China International Building Water Supply and Drainage Forum
  • BDH / FGK Europe Innovative HVAC Technology Display Zones
  • LOHAS Cocktail Reception

ISH China & CIHE is headed by the biennial ISH event in Frankfurt, Germany. Held from 14–18 March 2017, it is the world’s leading trade fair for the Bathroom Experience, Building, Energy, Air-conditioning Technology and Renewable Energies. Furthermore, the next edition of ISH Shanghai & CIHE will be held from 23–25 September 2015 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. For more information, please visit or email

Background information on Messe Frankfurt

Messe Frankfurt is one of the world’s leading trade fair organisers, generating around €550* million in sales and employing more than 2,200* people worldwide. The Messe Frankfurt Group has a global network of 28 subsidiaries and around 50 international Sales Partners, allowing it to serve its customers on location in more than 160 countries. Messe Frankfurt events take place at more than 30 locations around the globe. In 2014, Messe Frankfurt organised a total of 120* trade fairs, of which more than half took place outside Germany.

Comprising an area of 578,000 square metres, Messe Frankfurt’s exhibition grounds are home to ten exhibition halls. The company also operates two congress centres. The company is publicly owned, with the City of Frankfurt holding 60 percent and the State of Hesse 40 percent.

For more information, please visit our website at

*Preliminary Figures (2014)

