Nová verze softwaru PV*SOL a PV*SOL premium
Aktuální rozšíření reaguje na požadavky německého trhu, kde dominují lithiové akumulátory a vysoký podíl samospotřeby je podmínkou pro získání dotací.
Doplněn model lithiových (LiFePO4 a LiNiO2) akumulátorů a minutová data pro přesnou simulaci samospotřeby a přetoků do elektrizační soustavy.
Součástí software je rozsáhlá databáze fotovoltaických panelů, střídačů a akumulátorů (14500 panelů, 3500 střídačů, 500 akumulátorů). Je dostupný v šesti jazykových mutacích, čeština však mezi nimi není.
Zdarma je k dispozici aplikace pro chytré telefony s operačním systémem Android nebo iOS pro rychlé orientační rozhodování v terénu (umožňuje například odečíst sklon a orientaci střechy pomocí čidel v telefonu).

New versions of PV*SOL and PV*SOL premium: lithium-ion battery storage and minute values for the accurate simulation of self-consumption and power-clipping
Valentin Software has updated the market-leading design software PV*SOL and PV*SOL premium and adapted the programs to reflect the latest developments in the market.The result is that the detailed design, visualization and in particular yield calculation of photovoltaic systems has become even more relevant.
New lithium-ion battery model for battery storage systems
In both variants, PV*SOL is now equipped with its own new mathematical model for lithium-ion batteries, which enables the precise simulation of storage systems with lithium-iron-phosphate and lithium-nickel-oxide batteries. Lithium batteries, as the most important batteries used in the German storage market, are therefore now included in the yield calculation. In addition, complete battery systems offered on the market are available in the PV*SOL database.
Exact simulation with minute values
Today, PV systems have to meet the high requirements of network operators and system owners. As a result, new properties have become important, such as the behavior of 70% power-clipping, inverter oversizing or the interaction of PV systems with storage. These properties can be calculated exactly with PV*SOL, because the simulation can now be optionally performed with minute values. Calculations with hourly values, which were usual up to now, are no longer accurate enough for these new requirements.
In all variants, PV*SOL has a well-maintained database of more than 14,500 solar modules, approximately 3,500 inverters, as well as 500 batteries and battery systems, which is automatically updated and expanded. Both PV*SOL and PV*SOL premium are available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Polish.
Fast yield calculation of PV systems via app
Valentin Software has also extended the free PV*SOL app, previously available for Android
operating systems, to iOS.The app supports homeowners and system designers in making the
decision for a PV system.
The orientation and inclination of the roof can be measured using the sensors in the smartphone
or typed in. The smartphone also automatically determines via the GPS receiver the location of
the PV system and displays it on a map. Alternatively, any location in the world can be entered
With the climate data for the location and the characteristics determined for the PV system, the
expected annual yield of the system is calculated using a detailed hourly simulation. The
simulation uses the PV*SOL calculation model on the Valentin Software server to calculate from
the results the system quality and yield.
The app is a useful and free tool to record the data of a planned PV plant on site to make a quick decision for the construction of the plant. The app is available in English and German, for smartphones with Android or iOS operating systems.
Further information on PV*SOL is available here: