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AQUA-THERM Praha 2001 in Figures


Number of direct exhibitors:465
Number of visitors:46.167
of this, experts and traders:35.687
net exhibition area of stands in m2:15.501 m2
Overall area of trade fair in m2:24.755 m2
From a survey carried out a sample of 700 visitors it was found that: 
decide or jointly decide on purchases and investments61,6 %
visited the trade fair more than once 16,2 %
were satisfied with the offer of the exhibitors96,6 %
will visit the trade fair in 200298,6 %
Number of accredited reporters at the trade fair:179

94,3 % of the overall number of visitors consider the AQUA-THERM Prague to be the most prestigious trade fair its field in the Czech Republic.

Country Number of direct exhibitors:
Czech Republic - 405, Germany - 19, Italy - 17, Slovakia - 9, Austria - 7, Poland - 3, Turkey - 1, Slovenia - 1, Japan - 1, Great Britain - 2.

Sixty direct foreign exhibitors from abroad participated in the trade fair on an overall net exhibition area of 1.644 m2. Germany and Italy had joint stands. A further 274 firms from 23 countries were represented on the stands of all the direct exhibitors.

Aqua-therm Prague was officially opened by the Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Petra Buzková, and the Mayor of the Capital Prague, Jan Kasl. The trade fair was held under the aegis of the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic and the Chamber of Commerce of the Capital Prague. The Czech Association for technical Equipment and the Association of Specialist Gas, Water, Heating and Air-Conditioning Wholesalers ensured the expert guarantee.

This year's trade fair was visited by more people than ever before in its eight-year history. 46,167 people visited Aqua-therm, and of this 77.3% were traders and specialists. From a sample of 700 visitors who came to the trade fair on business, 94.3% consider Aqua-therm Prague to be the most prestigious trade fair in its field in the Czech Republic. In the competition survey which 1753 visitors participated in, 99.9% gave this answer. The fact that only 39% of the visitors were from Prague is evidence of the nationwide character of the event. Amongst the specialist visitors there was an increase in the number of buyers and also principally of designers and architects.

At the trade fair the best ten exhibits were awarded gold medals (ENBRA s.r.o., GRUNDFOS s.r.o., JANKA Radotín a.s., LDM s.r.o., Vlastimil MANDÍK, PROTHERM s.r.o., R. Bosch - odb. společnost s r.o., divize JUNKERS, SCHIEDEL s.r.o., THERMONA s.r.o., VIESSMANN s.r.o.) and 18 exhibits received commendations. The firm Buderus tepelná technika Praha received a special commendation.

Investors, implementers and designers received eight awards in three categories in the competition Earth for the Grandchildren. This special honour was awarded for the second time at Aqua-therm to firms for the best projects in the field of energy saving and environmental protection.

With the expert guarantee of the Central Federation SHK in Germany, the international conference East was held, at which representatives from guilds in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and other countries discussed the readiness of the field of technical equipment of buildings in the countries of Eastern Europe for accession to the European Union.

HVAC - Technology for the Third Millennium was the name of the seminar of the Federation of European Associations in the Area of Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning of Buildings (REHVA) which was a part of the trade fair. At the seminar thirteen leading European experts spoke primarily on energy saving, modern technology, the quality of the internal environment and about European legislation.

The Grand Prix of the Association of Specialist Wholesalers went to the Czech firm Sanela for the best services and products in the distribution chain of manufacturer - wholesaler - installation firm.

The stand of Jacuzzi Europe, as part of the stand of Italian Technology Services, was declared the most attractive stand at the trade fair, the most practical stand was that of R. Bosch sales company, division Junkers, and the most attractive advertisements for Aqua-therm published in the specialist press was from the firm Štarman-Hermann. Visitors predominantly voted the Protherm stand to be the best.

The trade fair includes a nationwide competition for apprentices in the field of fitter.

One new feature at the trade fair was a free Internet café were a new portal was presented dedicated to the field of technical ensuring of buildings and the trade fairs Aqua-therm in Prague and Nitra (www.tzb-info.cz).

A festive evening for exhibitors at the hotel Hilton.

An advertising drive embraced the nationwide TV and radios, dailies and professional magazines, trams, outdoor and public relations.



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