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3. října 1948 - začátek cesty s cílem stát se globálním hráčem

Kořeny dnešního Messe Frankfurt se nacházejí na veletrhu exportu, který se konal ve Frankfurtu v roce 1948. Tato akce, která se uskutečnila před 70 lety 3. října tohoto roku, byla také průkopnickou silou za společnost udržitelného mezinárodního rozvoje.


From an economic and psychological perspective, the effects of this autumn trade fair – the first to be held after the Second World War – were enormous when it came to stimulating German foreign trade and reconstructing and expanding the exhibition grounds. And in helping Messe Frankfurt to develop into a market leader in the international trade fair sector.

Stand construction at the first post-war trade fair in the “Haus der Technik” (Technology Building)
Stand construction at the first post-war trade fair in the “Haus der Technik” (Technology Building)
Messe Frankfurt Exhibition grounds 1948
Messe Frankfurt Exhibition grounds 1948

3 October 1948 saw the official opening of the Autumn Fair, and therefore the first event following the end of the Second World War. Some 2,000 exhibitors from 32 industrial sectors from Germany and Europe presented an international range that included all kinds of goods. One exhibitor at the very first event that is still a fixture at consumer goods fairs today is Koziol, a German company that produces award-winning, high-quality design objects for kitchens, bathrooms and living rooms. Stephan Koziol, CEO of the family company, says: “Our company has made very successful use of the international consumer goods fair in Frankfurt, from the very first event in 1948 right up to the present day. The trade fair is indispensable, particularly when it comes to securing new international customer contacts and cultivating existing ones.”

70 years trade fairs after the end of Second World War.pdf


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