Novinky SolarWorld na veletrhu Ecobuild
SolarWorld bude na veletrhu Ecobuild v Londýně prezentovat novou generaci svých fotovoltaických panelů.
Firma vylepšila design i technické vlastnosti produktových řad “Sunmodule Plus” and “Sunmodule Protect”. Použití článků s vysokou účinností umožňuje dosáhnout výkonu až 290 Wp na jednom panelu. Hmotnost panelů se snížila na pouhých 18 kg – výrazně méně než předchozí generace. Mezi další výhody nových panelů patří jednodušší montáž a zcela černá pohledová strana (včetně rámu).
Panely jsou vyráběny v Německu a v USA s důrazem na vysoké sociální, kvalitativní a environmentální standardy. Záruka na výkonové parametry je u řady Sunmodule Plus standardních 25 let, zatímco u řady Sunmodule Protect, kde jsou články z obou stran chráněny sklem, je záruka prodloužena na 30 let.
SolarWorld is presenting its new generation of solar power modules at the Ecobuild trade fair in London
Sunmodule Plus and Sunmodule Protect with improved features and a new design
SolarWorld AG is presenting its new generation of solar power modules at the Ecobuild trade fair in London. The company has improved both the design and essential features of the “Sunmodule Plus” and “Sunmodule Protect” module series. This has resulted in a new module range that provides higher yields, advanced installation options and an improved look.

SolarWorld Sunmodules
The use of highly efficient cells from SolarWorld’s German production enables the modules to achieve outputs of up to 290 watts peak. Higher yields are also attained as a result of the new module design, since greater spacing between the cells enables a higher light yield. In addition, SolarWorld is deploying a new drainage corner that increases the self-cleaning effect of the modules. The new generation of modules also simplifies the assembly: with its increased profile, the 33 mm-high module frame improves the stability, while a new flange enables rear mounting. Weighing just 18 kg, the new modules are also considerably lighter than the previous generation. In addition to the technical features there are also improvements to the visual appearance. For the first time SolarWorld is offering a completely black solar module in which all the components are coloured black – right through from the cells and the frame to the module corners. The Sunmodule Plus panels are available in power classes ranging from 250 to 290 watts peak. SolarWorld produces all its modules in Germany and the USA in accordance with the highest social, quality and environmental standards. The modules have a performance guarantee of 25 years (Sunmodule Plus glass-film modules) or 30 years (Sunmodule Protect glass-glass modules).
Ecobuild is one of the world’s largest events for sustainable construction, ecological design and energy. The trade fair is taking place from 3-5 March at the ExCeL exhibition centre in London. SolarWorld UK’s stand will be situated in Hall 5, No. S2160.
SolarWorld REAL VALUE: SolarWorld manufactures and sells high-tech solar power solutions and in doing so contributes to a cleaner energy supply worldwide. The group, headquartered in Bonn, Germany, employs approximately 3,400 people and carries out production in Freiberg, Germany; Arnstadt, Germany; and Hillsboro, USA. From raw material silicon to solar wafers, cells and modules, SolarWorld manages all stages of production ‒ including its own research and development. Through an international distribution network with locations in Europe, USA, Singapore and South Africa, SolarWorld supplies customers all over the world. The company maintains high social standards at all its locations across the globe, and has committed itself to resource- and energy-efficient production. SolarWorld was founded in 1998 and has been publically traded on the stock market since 1999. More information at
SolarWorld AG, Martin-Luther-King-Str. 24, 53175 Bonn, Germany -
SolarWorld UK, The Portway Centre, Old Sarum, Salisbury, SP4 6EB -
Contact: Manuela Jakobi, PR Manager SolarWorld AG, Phone: 0049 228 55920 412,