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Nový software pro simulaci solárních systémů

Frima doppelintegral GmbH zveřejnila nový software INSEL 8.2 obsahující Renewable Energy Blockset pro MATLAB a Simulink.


Uživatelé programů MATLAB a Simulink mají nově k dispozici přes 300 bloků zahrnujících fotovoltaiku, solární tepelnou techniku a energetickou meteorologii. Bloky lze libovolně kombinovat, což umožňuje profesionálně navrhovat, monitorovat a kontrolovat systémy využívající obnovitelné zdroje energie.

Kromě běžných solárních termických systémů software umožňuje simulovat jak fotovoltaické elektrárny připojené do sítě, tak hybridní systémy s akumulátory, ale i autonomní systémy zahrnující navíc větrnou elektrárnu nebo dieselový generátor.

Kompletní INSEL 8.2 lze pořídit za cenu 1700 € (bez DPH), univerzity a výzkumné ústavy mohou získat 50 % slevu. Cena mimo jiné zahrnuje upgrade pro dynamickou simulaci budov plánovaný na rok 2015.

New Software for MATLAB and Simulink Users

Software developer doppelintegral launches Blockset for the Simulation of Solar Energy Systems

Stuttgart, 17. July 2014. doppelintegral GmbH, located in Stuttgart, Germany, has released the software INSEL 8.2 including the Renewable Energy Blockset for MATLAB and Simulink. As the software has more than 300 blocks out of photovoltaics, solar thermal energy and energy meteorology, MATLAB and Simulink users can now professionally plan, monitor and control renewable energy systems. The blocks can be combined in any way and have minimal computing times.

In addition to being able to simulate grid-connected solar power plants – with battery storage systems for own use, if needed – users can analyse self-sufficient systems, which, for example, combine photovoltaic plants with wind power, diesel generators and accumulators. For solar thermal plants, the software, along with making solution algorithms available for solar collectors, also provides models for solar cooling, including refrigerating machines, storages, heat exchangers and pumps.

From Standard Models to Special Questions

Whether it’s about electric or thermal storages, or if it’s about a tracking or concentrator system – INSEL 8.2 provides answers to every kind of question. Among these also count the simulation of spectral effects and weak light performance of thin-film modules. In addition to a comprehensive module, inverter and collector data base, the program contains high resolution irradiation data of 2,000 locations worldwide.

The complete INSEL 8.2 blockset is now available for € 1,700 (plus VAT) from doppelintegral GmbH. The price includes all updates, including an upgrade for dynamic building simulation planned for 2015. The software developer grants universities and research institutes a discount of 50 per cent. A full version available for a four-week test can be downloaded from the internet page www.insel.eu free-of-charge.

About doppelintegral GmbH

doppelintegral GmbH was founded in 2001 in Stuttgart. Since that time, the founders and managing directors, Dr. Jürgen Schumacher and Prof. Ursula Eicker, along with their team, have been creating energy plans for buildings as well as developing and selling innovative software solutions for research institutes, universities and manufacturers in the renewable energy sector. For the simulation environment INSEL (which stands for Integrated Simulation Environment Language), the company has spent 25 years of research developing and documenting a wide range of physical models.

Editor and Press Contact:
doppelintegral GmbH
Dr. Jürgen Schumacher
Baumreute 86
70199 Stuttgart
Telephone: +49 711 62007 180
Telefax: +49 711 62007 181
E-mail: schumacher@doppelintegral.de



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