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Nový software pro precizní návrh fotovoltaických elektráren

Valentin Software GmbH se sídlem v Berlíně, představí na veletrhu Intersolar Europe vůbec poprvé svůj PV*SOL premium -nejnovější verzi software pro návrh a simulaci provozu fotovoltaických elektráren.


Nový software navazuje na úspěšnou předchozí verzi PV*SOL Expert a umožní uživatelům ještě detailnější návrh a vizualizaci fotovoltaických elektráren. Stejně jako předchozí verze má nový SW zabudovánu analýzu stínění fotovoltaických panelů ve 3D módu. Na základě toho pak vyhodnocuje snížení výnosu.

Nově vyhodnocuje přesněji podíl lokální spotřeby a navíc umožňuje zobrazit rovněž energii uloženou v akumulátorech. Program umožňuje načíst profil spotřeby v hodinovém, čtvrthodinovém nebo minutovém formátu. Při samotném návrhu je možno kombinovat libovolný počet fotovoltaických polí, přičemž je možno je možno je kombinovat s libovolnými střídači.
Nový software je k dispozici v němčině, angličtině, francouzštině, italštině, polštině a španělštině.

New Software Helps Plan and Customise Photovoltaic Plants
Valentin Software presents PV*SOL premium at Intersolar Europe for the first time ever

Valentin Software GmbH, located in Berlin, will be presenting its new planning software PV*SOL premium at the world’s largest trade fair for the solar industry for the very first time. With a new intuitive user interface, PV*SOL premium will succeed the company’s simulation program PV*SOL Expert starting in June – it will help users plan and visualize solar power plants in detail.

New feature calculates own consumption more precisely

As with the previous versions, the new version has, at its core, the analysis of shading for roof-top and free-standing plants in 3D mode: it calculates how often the modules are under shade on average and how that affects the plant yield, then presenting these results graphically. Users can select all of the shading objects freely and place them on the premises or the building in any way desired.

Among its new features, PV*SOL premium takes own consumption into account precisely, since it can also display the electricity stored in the battery systems, in contrast to its predecessor. The program imports current load profiles on the basis of hourly, quarter-hourly or minute values, which significantly eases the input of the load curves.

More flexibility in selecting components

In addition, PV*SOL premium enables users to select as many possible arrays per PV plant as desired, which increases flexibility and maximum plant size. They can select different inverters and combine them with each other in any way needed. Since the program connects the components automatically, it can indicate all useful inverter combinations, also in 3D mode, in seconds.

PV*SOL premium represents the energy balance of the total plant in an extensive table, which eases plant control. Detailed project reports for grid operators and customers, as well as the circuit diagram it creates automatically for the grid connection, ensure additional transparency and safety.

The new software is available in German, English, French, Italian, Polish and Spanish. As with the previous versions, Valentin also offers training seminars and beginner webinars free-of-charge for PV*SOL premium.

About Valentin Software
Valentin Software can look back on over 20 years of successful company history. Thanks to its brands PV*SOL®, T*SOL® and GeoT*SOL® for the dynamic simulation, design, yield calculation and financial prognosis of photovoltaic, solar thermal and heat pump systems, Valentin Software has become the worldwide leading provider in innovative planning software for sustainable energy supply.
Among its customers count engineers, planners, architects, installers, and craftsmen as well as manufacturers active in the fields of heating technology, electrical engineering, and building services.

Valentin Software at Intersolar Europe
Valentin Software will be presenting its products at Intersolar Europe in Munich in Hall A1, Stand 631 from 4 to 6 June.

Editor and Press Contact
Valentin Software GmbH, Stralauer Platz 34, 10243 Berlin
Tel.: + 49 (0)30 588 439 – 0
Fax: + 49 (0)30 588 439 – 11
Email: info@valentin.de



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