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Nové produkty zjednodušují obsluhu a údržbu fotovoltaických elektráren

Intersolar je největší světový odborný veletrh zaměřený na solární technologie. Letos bude probíhat v době od 4. do 6. června 2014 v Mnichově.


Papendorf Software Engineering GmbH bude prezentovat dvě nová řešení pro kontrolu a testování fotovoltaických elektráren. Jedná se o SOL.Connect PV-Module Meter, který je určen pro testování fotovoltaických panelů v terénu. Umožňuje roztřídit panely podle výkonu před jejich instalací, nebo kontrolu v průběhu životnosti bez nutnosti panely demontovat. Naproti tomu SOL.Connect Smart Park Control je zařízení pro komplexní kontrolu, monitoring a komunikaci velkých fotovoltaických parků. Umožňuje mimo jiné jejich začlenění do virtuální elektrárny.

Mobile Measuring System for Quick Module Tests on Location

The measuring meter SOL.Connect PV-Module Meter tests the power output of photovoltaic modules before they are installed and makes it easy to sort them out directly on the construction site. It can also be used on location to test modules that clearly show lower power output. “The SOL.Connect PV-Module Meter is convincing, above all, by the way it works: it is easy to operate and can be transported and used anywhere”, explains managing director Peter Papendorf. If it was formerly necessary to send the modules to the manufacturer or a testing laboratory, electricians can now check them on the spot. And this is now possible in daylight and at low irradiation conditions. In addition, the measuring meter compares the electrical power output of the modules tested with that of a reference module. A measuring facility calibrated at the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology delivers the needed measurements. :INSEL algorithms from doppelintegral GmbH enable the data to be precisely assessed and all test modules to be quickly managed via a laptop.

Comprehensive Control, Monitoring and Communication

SOL.Connect Smart Park Control from Papendorf SE monitors larger photovoltaic plants and power plants as well as controlling them in conformity to the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW). While doing so, it fulfils many communication requirements. “The SOL.Connect Smart Park Control unifies the most differing of requirements in one device, thus reducing costly single installations”, says Peter Papendorf. The system integrates specifications, among others, from telecontrol or directly from network control rooms per IC 60870-5-101/104. The SOL.Connect Smart Park Control also communicates with SCADA operating control rooms and monitoring portals via standardised interfaces. Moreover, it makes it possible to integrate the generated electrical energy into virtual power plants for direct marketing.

About Papendorf Software Engineering GmbH

Papendorf Software Engineering GmbH stands for information technology in the sector of PV monitoring, PV metering and Smart Grid applications. For over ten years, Papendorf SE GmbH has been providing tailor-made solutions for a wide range of customers. Papendorf SE GmbH delivers software services, products and systems to manufacturers, project developers, service companies and system providers – independent of manufacturer and always intent on delivering the highest possible plant yield. All of its components feature a modular design and can be almost limitlessly scaled to any plant size. Not least on account of its plant parks, Papendorf SE GmbH has been able to develop function and quality in particular.

Papendorf Software Engineering GmbH, Robert-Bosch-Straße 10, 71116 Gärtringen, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 7034 27910-0, Fax. +49 (0) 7034 27910-11
info@sol-connect.de, www.papendorf-se.de

Press Contact
Papendorf Software Engineering GmbH, Patricia Gries (Corporate Communication), Robert-Bosch-Straße 10, 71116 Gärtringen, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 7034/ 27910- 23, Fax: +49 (0) 7034/ 27910- 11
presse@papendorf-se.de, www.papendorf-se.de



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