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Antec Solar představuje barevné solární panely pro integraci fasády

Díky nové produktové řady ATFKrom Antec nabízí první barevné fotovoltaické moduly pro integraci fasád. Moduly jsou založeny na tenkovrstvé technologii a jsou k dispozici v barvách terakoty, zelené a modré.


Fotovoltaické moduly produktové řady ATFKrom jsou vybaveny speciálním solárním sklem.Patentovaný solární sklo zajišťuje konzistentní a esteticky propracovaný vzhled.Základní fotovoltaické technologie se stává téměř neviditelným. Antec Solar GmbH využívá patentovanou Kromatix ™ solární sklo SwissINSO, společnost se sídlem v Lausanne (Švýcarsko).

Tailor-made solutions for every facade

"It is the first time that a glass technology is available providing coloured solar panels which can be integrated in a way, that they act look like normal cladding. With this innovative solar glass architects, developers, installers and private investors will now receive a high-quality aesthetic solution, which so far did not exist - and that at a high efficiency", says Norbert Kreft, CTO of Antec Solar GmbH.
"This enables us, to deliver tailored solutions for every facade and in virtually any PV technology." The customers are free to choose the colour, the format, the form and needed amount of panels.

In addition Antec Solar produces with the product line ATCKrom coloured modules for facade integration on the basis of intermediate products in almost every PV technology. Depending on the requirements, desired appearance and required design, the customer can choose the right technology and achieve the desired energy output.

About Antec Solar:
Antec Solar GmbH produces photovoltaic modules in thin film technology "Made in Germany". Tailor-made photovoltaic modules are manufactured for solar active facades. The modular building-block principle allows architects, builders and property developers the choice of thin-film photovoltaic modules from a wide range of shapes, sizes and colours. As an innovation leader in thin-film technology, Antec covers all requirements of modern architecture and of building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV).
With its business division, Solar Services the experienced Antec solar staff plans, installs PV plants and also services existing facilities. The Antec solar GmbH cooperates with the inverter manufacturer Fronius International GmbH and with VOKA Vogtländisches Kabelwerk GmbH, a provider of solar cables. Headquarters and production facilities of Antec Solar GmbH are located in Arnstadt, Thuringia. The company belongs to the WILMS group. CTO is Norbert Kreft, who is responsible for production and innovation.

We do exhibit:
Hannover Messe 07.04. 11.04.2014
Hall 16, stand D 47
Division "Metropolitan Solutions" (with EnergieCity Leipzig)
We are happy to meet you there

Press contact:
Antec Solar GmbH
Emil-Passburg-Straße 1, 99310 Arnstadt
Tel: +49(0)3628 / 5898-600, Fax: +49(0)3628 / 5898-699 E-Mail: info@antec-solar.de



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